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panjakub15[Odrzucone] Unban mrjakub15.

My nickname in the game is mrjakub15. I was banned 2018-08-12 on mcsurvi official server ( I was banned because like guy who banned me said I was mining on afk, but I actually was not. I was actually mining with my right hand and watching Anomaly on my second monitor, so i did not payed attention for what is going on in the game. When I was mining stone I heard that stoneslabs were activated and it doeasnt supposed to happend. I want to get an unban because I really enjoyng playing with my polish friend. I am not actually from Poland tho and I am very sorry because of this whole situation. I can even speak and write Polish correctly but, I am really enjoying learning language and meet another people for Poland on this server. I have to say that people on the server are very nice. Well done. Ban content: ||Kopanie na afk||.Kotletgrawgry has banned me. I really hope on a positive respond.

Have a nice day, Mrjakub15. Heart
Trzy razy napisałam do Ciebie prywatną wiadomość, aby sprawdzić czy jesteś, ale nie odpowiedziałeś.
Skoro mówisz, że słyszałeś płytki naciskowe równie dobrze mogłeś spojrzeć na czat i odpisać. 
Prośbę o unbana odrzucam
[Obrazek: 76d734847afd2.jpg]
[Obrazek: 7mqjW2r.gif]

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